Aimer「broKen NIGHT / holLow wORlD」Single
「broKen NIGHT」PS Vita Fate/hollow ataraxia OP
「holLow wORlD」PS Vita Fate/hollow ataraxia Insert Song
「Open The Doors」PS Vita Fate/hollow ataraxia ED
01. broKen NIGHT
02. holLow wORlD
03. Open The Doors
04. my sweetest one
05. broKen NIGHT (Fate/hollow ataraxia edit)
06. holLow wORlD (Fate/hollow ataraxia edit)
07. Open The Doors (Fate/hollow ataraxia edit)
08. broKen NIGHT (instrumental)
broKen NIGHT / holLow wORlD - ???Mb
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